Welcome to Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasuka? Wiki, a mediawiki-based encyclopedia dedicated to Tomo Hanama's romance-comedy series.
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Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasuka? (Would You Love Perverts If They Are Cute?) is a Japanese romantic-comedy series written by Tomo Hanama. As of April 2019, there are 7 light novel volumes released by Media Factory, 2 manga volumes published in Monthly Dragon Age, and the anime adaptation by Geek Toys will air in July 2019.
One day, Keiki Kiryu randomly gets a strange love letter. The letter doesn’t include a name, but attached to it is a pair of white panties. As Keiki goes on the hunt, he finds out that every girl in his suspect list is uniquely perverted...and desperately interested in having him participate in their perversion. |
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